Thoughtful gift ideas for Mother’s Day
With Mother’s Day just around the corner I wanted to share a few gift ideas:
If you receive my monthly faves you will already have come across Wood-ism; talk about a beautiful way to record moments in time. If you want to send a card or print with a beautiful backstory look no further; these are created from the words of the print makers autistic son and with the profits going to the charity Ambitious About Autism, why wouldn’t you want to part with some of those pennies!
You don’t have to stop at gifts for mothers “I wish I was at your location all the time” and “you are a really big deal in my world” are some of my faves! Do check out their story and give Woody the ‘Author’ some love by liking them on Instagram.
Also a cute idea, a star (or heart) decoration personalised with your child's handwriting and another gift that doesn’t just have to be for the mums in your life. All you need to do is supply the handwriting and it will be embroider on to the decoration to make a lasting keepsake. Check out Bunting in a Box; Get writing kiddies!
Bake a cake; I recently discovered this trick to a fool proof Victoria Sponge; weigh your eggs (in the shells), then just match the weight with the equivalent in butter, sugar and flour. Bake at 180°C for 20-25 mins. Simples!!!! You can even use this method to make cupcakes.
And if none of those float your boat you can always gift a photo frame or even book a photo shoot and #filltheframe. Selfless plug here; I’m offering a free print with any shoots booked or voucher purchased before the 19th March, you never know if you are lucky I may even throw in a bunch of daffs*. We will make sure that all shoots are bags of fun for the whole family, even them camera shy dads out there.
*as long as they are still in bloom when we are able to shoot that is!
Or at least give me more info; hit here!