How to get fit after having a baby?
Your baby is here but your body looks like it’s not, you are sleep deprived and fuelled 100% by caffeine and whatever sugary snacks you can get your hands on. Sound familiar? You are not alone!!! Getting back in shape is not easy!
My little one is almost five month old and I’ve only recently felt that I’m ready to get fit again. But being ready isn’t the only hurdle for us mums is it; it’s also about getting fit WITH a baby in tow. Keeping little ones entertain and happy whist being able to commit whole heartedly to your own workout is no mean feat, in fact, making sure you meet the needs of the little one while you work out can almost be more of a barrier than you feeling ready to get back into a fitness routine.
With this in mind I thought I’d share some of the things that I’ve found help me with both the motivation as well as the practicality of getting fit postpartum. It’s all very much from my own experience and I’ve not even got the weight off yet, but it is having such a positive effect to my mindset and my body is loving the endorphin hit. So with that in mind I hope that some of you out there will enjoy my ramblings. I am in no way holding myself up to be any kind of expert on this stuff, so I would encourage you to speak to your Doctor or a postnatal PT’s for more technical guidance on when it’s right for you to get back to working out but if you enjoy the below and find any part of it useful or motivational then Wooohoo.

First off TAKE A MOMENT TO RECOGNISE YOUR ACHIVEMENTS: you’ve brought a tiny human into this world and are keeping them alive. I could go on about how blooming amazing our bodies are, especially how they have created these perfect little creatures with vary little conscious thought from us etc…. but seriously our bodies have done a hack of a lot and we do need to recognise that.
On that note GIVE YOURSELF TIME: you might assume that now your little wonder is earth side your body will ‘snap’ back, but that is not reality for the majority. With my first it took well over 6 months to feel that my ‘pregnant belly’ had in fact reduced in size. In fact during some of that time I looked more pregnant than when I was pregnant and it’s exactly the same second time round. The thing is (and what I had to keep reminding myself of) it took a whole 9 months for my body to grow to accommodate my little sleep thief, and during that time many of my internal organs moved so of course it will take time to move back to it’s pre pregnancy state and slow and steady is actually probably more beneficial long term; that’s what I like to I tell myself anyway.
DRINK WATER: I need to take my own advice here! We all know that water is great, over 50% of our bodies are made up of the stuff so it make sense that we keep ourselves hydrated. Water is especially key when breast feeding, you need to double your water intake to compensate for milk production so breastfeeding mothers should be aiming for 16 glasses of water (or 8 large pint glasses) a day.
Another benefit of keeping hydrated is that it’s easy to mistake being thirsty for hunger so it’s super worthwhile heading for a glass of the clear stuff before hitting that snack cupboard.
START SMALL: Don’t underestimate the strain of birth on your body particularly when you have experienced a long labour. Walking is a great place to start and can easily be done with your little one. The key here is to listen to your body, with all it’s aches and strains and recognise when we can push it or need to take it easy. This is particularly crucial for those first few weeks but I also noticed a massive shift in my hormone levels around the 3 month mark, when levels of relaxin and other hormones change. It’s good to check in with your bodies energy levels when your baby is going through developmental milestones too for example during the 4 month sleep regression you may want to scale back the exercise you are doing.
Commit to SHOWING UP: Recognising that not every work out will be amazing but to do it anyway helps to build a habit. Having the mental motivation and drive to exercise can be tough especially after a bad night sleep. I’ve found it really useful to put the emphasis on showing up rather than the exercise part. To do something and to do it consistently and with intention has helped me on those days when I’m exhausted.
TAKE YOUR BABY WITH YOU: one of the biggest barriers for me was finding free time to exercise, this becomes so much easier if you can find classes where you can take your baby with you. There are various sessions which allow or even encourage you to workout with your baby, whether they are baby wearing classes or classes where babies are welcome. Some are franchises and have sessions all over the country while others are more localised. My favourite class is called Mum WOD, held at M squared fitness in Wythenshaw (a CrossFit gym). Emma, a physio and Pilates teacher runs the sessions, she is able to give alternatives if you are early postpartum or have weaknesses due to delivery and she is more than happy to hold a baby (or two) if they are unsettled. Below is a list of great classes you can attend with your little ones.
AT HOME WORKOUTS: struggling to get to classes with your baby, check out DVD’s youtube or even what your smart TV has to offer. Work outs that can be done at home can fit around when your little one is napping or just happily rolling about the floor. The downside is having the additional motivation to swop the couch and a brew for your trainhell ers and some leggings. I’m not going to lie I’ve found this difficult particularly after a rough night. Also you need to be prepared for interruptions to your flow which I personally find occur more readily at home than they do when I’m working out in a different space. When I do get an opportunity to work out at home I tend to opt for Yoga a bit easier to do on an adhock basis.
On that note YOGA ON YOUTUBE: I’ve recently discovered Yoga with Adriene and her 30 days series. These are free little sessions which are easily accessible on you tube. I’ve committed to myself (and now all of you) that I will complete the series. I won’t be doing it over a consecutive 30 day period, life and kids get in the way sometimes – I just want to show up and do all 30. No pressure on how long it will take be or how good I will be at it (I’m really not very flexible and every posture is a struggle) I’ve just promised to do the 30. I will keep you posted how I get on.
hit the GYM with your new little sidekick: don’t be afraid to explore the option of taking your little one to the gym even if it’s not an organised class. How confident you are doing this may depend on your little ones temperament and or timing your work out with a nap. I pay a small supplement to take my little one to the gym, he usually naps for the first part of my work out but when he wakes he is happy sitting in his pram (with me making funny faces at him). Obviously there will be days were he’s not happy and on these days I’m prepared to leave the gym but for now I’m making the most of it.
Mama & Me: my local one is actually run by ‘The Dancing Midwife’, AKA Katy (random fact she actually delivered my youngest)! It’s a baby wearing class, filled with movement and laughter. No baby wearing or dance experience required.
Dance Like a Mother : Another baby wearing class. A chance to have fun and get active whilst dancing to awesome tunes and make friends with other parents in your area.
Mummy fit – Hit style workout sessions that you can take your babies too. If you are worried about entertaining your little one whilst trying to train this is a great session to attend. There is plenty of things for the little ones to be entertained and if they are on the move then you are in a room full of other mummies who are all in the same boat and more than happy to smile at and interact with your little one as they pass by. If your little one is having a bit of a grisly day the team are on hand to help.
Mum WOD – at M Squared Fitness in Wythenshawe and run by the lovely Emma of Move Well Physio Pilates I absolutely love these cross fit sessions. With a focus on movement and form each session can be adapted to suite your needs. The sessions can be attended by older kids too, there is a sung where they can set themselves up with an ipad and endless snacks or like my eldest they can join in. Although rowing with a toddler on your lap is not the easiest!!!!
Sweaty Mama -These classes are for both you and your child whether they are baby, toddler or pre-schooler. An opportunity to bond with them while enjoying a fun workout together.
If you are aware of any other classes you think should be added to this list please let me know!
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What else am I up too….
I blooming love a family shoot. Capturing the personalities of your and your little ones, your interactions, the special little things that you do together it’s all so magic and deserving of being photographed to look back on in years to come!!!!
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